Wells Fargo says consent order tied to 2016 scandal lifted


Wells Fargo President and CEO Charlie Scharf attends The Future of Everything presented by The Wall Street Journal at Spring Studios in New York City, on May 17, 2022.

Steven Ferdman | Getty Images Entertainment | Getty Images

Wells Fargo said Thursday one of its primary regulators has lifted a key penalty tied to its 2016 fake accounts scandal.

The bank said in a release that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency terminated a consent order that forced it to revamp how it sells its retail products and services.

Shares of the bank jumped more than 6% on the news.

Wells Fargo, one of the country’s largest retail banks, has retired six consent orders since 2019, the year CEO Charlie Scharf took over. Eight more remain, most notably one from the Federal Reserve that caps the bank’s asset size, according to a person with knowledge of the matter.

In a memo sent to employees, Scharf called the development a “milestone” for the lender. The 2016 fake accounts scandal — in which the bank admitted to putting customers into more than 3 million unauthorized accounts — unleashed a wave of scrutiny that revealed problems related to the servicing of mortgages, auto loans and other consumer accounts.

The attention tarnished the bank’s reputation and forced the retirement of both ex-CEO John Stumpf in 2016 and successor Tim Sloan in 2019.

“The OCC’s action is confirmation that we have effectively put in place new systems, processes, and controls to serve our customers differently today than we did a decade ago,” Scharf said. “It is our responsibility to ensure we continue to operate with these disciplines.”

The termination of the OCC order “paves the way” for the Fed asset cap to ultimately be removed, RBC analyst Gerard Cassidy said Thursday in a research note.

— CNBC’s Leslie Picker contributed to this report.

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Affirm buy now pay later vendor discusses loans, delinquencies


A young man holds a credit card and uses a laptop for online shopping.

Diy13 | Istock | Getty Images

Americans shopping online after midnight often make riskier transactions and are more likely to default on their loans, according to Affirm Chief Financial Officer Michael Linford.

The fintech firm uses the hour a consumer attempts a transaction as a key data point to help determine whether to approve loans, Linford told CNBC in a recent interview. Other factors include a user’s repayment history with Affirm and transaction data from credit bureau Experian.

“Local time of day is a signal that we use in underwriting, and most times of day have the same credit risk,” Linford said. Between midnight and 4 a.m., however, something changes, he said.

“Human beings don’t make the best decisions at two o’clock in the morning,” Linford said. “It’s clear as day — credit delinquencies spike right around 2 a.m.”

While the data is clear that late-night financial decisions are riskier, the reasons for it are less so. Shoppers could be inebriated or under financial or emotional duress and desperately seeking credit, Linford said.

Affirm, run by PayPal co-founder Max Levchin, is among a new breed of fintech lenders competing with credit cards issued by banks. The buy now, pay later industry offers installment loans that typically range from no-interest short-term transactions to rates as high as 36% for longer-term credit.

Real-time approvals

Firms including Affirm, Klarna and Sezzle have embedded their services in the online checkout pages of retailers.

A key to their business model is the ability to approve or reject customers in real time and at the transaction level, using data to help judge the odds of being repaid.

“We don’t need to know if you’re going to be employed in two years,” Linford said. “We need to know whether you’re going to be able to pay back the $700 purchase you’re making right now. That is very different from credit cards, where they give you a line and say, ‘Godspeed.'”

The use of buy now, pay later loans has grown along with the overall rise in consumer debt. While the industry touts up-front rates and fewer fees compared to credit cards, critics have said they enable users to overspend.

But Affirm manages repayment risk by either denying transactions or offering shorter-term loans that require down payments, Linford said. Last week, Affirm reported that 30-day delinquencies on monthly loans held steady at 2.4% during the last three months of 2023 from a year earlier, even as total purchase volumes surged 32% during that time.

Affirm has little incentive to allow users to pile up debts, according to the CFO.

“If you can’t pay us back, we’ve lost, unlike with credit cards,” Linford said. “We don’t charge late fees. We don’t revolve, we don’t compound.”

The rates at Affirm are in contrast to credit card delinquencies at the four biggest U.S. banks, which have been climbing since 2021 as loan balances have grown. Americans owed $1.13 trillion on credit cards as of the fourth quarter of last year, a $50 billion increase from the previous quarter amid higher interest rates and persistent inflation, according to a Federal Reserve Bank of New York report.

“The job environment is good, so it begs the question, why are credit card delinquencies creeping up?” Linford said. “The answer is, they took their eye off of underwriting and from my perspective, they got aggressive in a time when consumers were beginning to show stress.”

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Oil stocks should be popular like semis, but no one cares: VanEck CEO


Oil: gushing cash and no one cares?

Investors may want to consider putting money to work in a lagging part of the market.

According to VanEck CEO Jan van Eck, oil stocks are getting a raw deal.

“The [oil] supply is there. The companies are arguably the next best cash flowing companies [compared to] the semiconductors,” he told CNBC’s “ETF Edge” this week. “They’re trading at double-digit cash flow yields for E&Ps [exploration and production] and sectors in the oil market. No one cares. No one cares.”

His firm runs the VanEck Oil Services ETF. As of Jan. 31, FactSet shows the ETF’s largest holdings are Schlumberger, Halliburton and Baker Hughes.

The ETF is down almost 7% so far this year, and it’s off more than 9% percent over the past 52 weeks. So far this year, the S&P 500 is up more than 5% so far this year.

“It’s [energy] underperforming a lot of other things, but not really badly considering the driver for global growth is really on its back right now and could be for a couple years,” said van Eck.

Strategas’ Todd Sohn also characterizes oil stocks as unloved and sees potential for a turnaround.

“They had pretty large outflows last year. And, if tech were to take a hit at some point in this quarter, I would guess the more tactical folks rotate into stuff like energy or even health care,” the firm’s ETF and technical strategist said.

WTI crude just had its best weekly performance since September — capturing most of its gains for the year this week. The commodity climbed 6% to settle at $76.84 a barrel.


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The Role of Insurance Agents and Brokers: Finding the Right Coverage for You

Choosing the right insurance coverage can be a daunting task, with various policies, coverage options, and insurers to consider. Insurance agents and brokers play a crucial role in helping individuals and businesses navigate this complex landscape by providing expert advice, personalized recommendations, and assistance in securing the right coverage for their needs. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the roles of insurance agents and brokers, the benefits of working with them, and how they can help you find the right insurance coverage to protect what matters most.

Understanding the Difference Between Agents and Brokers

1. Insurance Agents

Insurance agents work directly for insurance companies and represent their products and services to customers. They are licensed professionals who are knowledgeable about the insurance products offered by their respective companies. Agents typically work on behalf of one insurance company and can provide guidance and assistance in selecting the most suitable coverage options from that company’s portfolio.

2. Insurance Brokers

Insurance brokers, on the other hand, work independently of insurance companies and represent multiple insurers. They act as intermediaries between clients and insurance companies, helping clients assess their insurance needs, compare coverage options from different insurers, and secure the most appropriate coverage at the best price. Brokers are licensed professionals who work on behalf of their clients’ best interests and have access to a wide range of insurance products and providers.

The Role of Insurance Agents and Brokers

1. Assessing Insurance Needs

One of the primary roles of insurance agents and brokers is to assess their clients’ insurance needs and identify potential risks that need to be addressed. They take the time to understand their clients’ unique circumstances, lifestyle, and financial situation to recommend appropriate coverage options that provide adequate protection against potential risks.

2. Educating Clients

Insurance agents and brokers play a vital role in educating their clients about insurance products, coverage options, and policy features. They explain complex insurance terminology in plain language, clarify policy terms and conditions, and help clients understand their rights and obligations under their insurance policies.

3. Shopping Around for Coverage

Insurance brokers have access to multiple insurance companies and can shop around on behalf of their clients to compare coverage options and premiums from different insurers. This allows clients to explore a broader range of insurance products and providers, ensuring they find the most competitive rates and comprehensive coverage available.

4. Providing Personalized Recommendations

Based on their clients’ insurance needs and preferences, insurance agents and brokers provide personalized recommendations for coverage options that align with their clients’ goals and budgetary constraints. They help clients tailor their insurance policies to meet their specific needs, ensuring they have the right amount of coverage for their unique circumstances.

5. Assisting with Claims

In the event of a claim, insurance agents and brokers act as advocates for their clients, assisting them throughout the claims process. They help clients understand their coverage, file claims with the insurance company, and navigate any challenges or disputes that may arise during the claims settlement process.

6. Providing Ongoing Support

Insurance agents and brokers provide ongoing support to their clients throughout the life of their insurance policies. They review their clients’ coverage periodically to ensure it remains adequate for their changing needs, address any questions or concerns that arise, and help clients make adjustments to their policies as needed.

Benefits of Working with Insurance Agents and Brokers

1. Expertise and Knowledge

Insurance agents and brokers are licensed professionals with specialized knowledge and expertise in insurance products and services. They stay up-to-date on industry trends, regulations, and changes in the insurance marketplace to provide informed guidance and advice to their clients.

2. Access to Multiple Insurers

Insurance brokers have access to multiple insurance companies and products, giving clients access to a broader range of coverage options and pricing. This allows clients to compare rates and coverage features from different insurers to find the best fit for their needs.

3. Personalized Service

Insurance agents and brokers provide personalized service and one-on-one attention to their clients, taking the time to understand their individual needs and preferences. They offer tailored recommendations and assistance to help clients make informed decisions about their insurance coverage.

4. Advocacy and Support

In the event of a claim or dispute, insurance agents and brokers act as advocates for their clients, providing support and guidance throughout the claims process. They work on behalf of their clients’ best interests to ensure fair and timely resolution of insurance claims.

5. Time and Convenience

Working with an insurance agent or broker saves clients time and effort by streamlining the insurance shopping process. Agents and brokers handle the research, paperwork, and negotiations on behalf of their clients, allowing them to focus on other priorities while still securing the right insurance coverage.


Insurance agents and brokers play a vital role in helping individuals and businesses find the right insurance coverage to protect their assets and financial security. Whether you’re shopping for auto insurance, homeowners insurance, business insurance, or another type of coverage, insurance agents and brokers can provide expert guidance, personalized recommendations, and assistance throughout the insurance shopping process. By leveraging their expertise, access to multiple insurers, and commitment to client advocacy, insurance agents and brokers help clients secure the most appropriate coverage at the best price, ensuring peace of mind and protection against life’s uncertainties.

Cheap Car Insurance After A DUI | Ellahost.com

Cheap Car Insurance After A DUI

Getting a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) conviction can have significant consequences, including higher car insurance premiums. While finding cheap car insurance after a DUI may seem challenging, it’s not impossible. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore strategies for obtaining affordable car insurance coverage after a DUI, factors that influence insurance rates post-DUI, and tips for minimizing costs while maintaining adequate protection on the road.

Understanding the Impact of a DUI on Car Insurance Rates

A DUI conviction is considered a serious traffic violation by insurance companies, and it typically results in a substantial increase in car insurance premiums. The exact impact of a DUI on insurance rates varies depending on several factors, including the driver’s age, location, driving record, and insurance company policies. In general, drivers with a DUI on their record may see their insurance rates double or even triple compared to what they were paying before the conviction.

Factors That Influence Car Insurance Rates After a DUI

1. Driving Record

A driver’s past driving record, including any previous traffic violations or accidents, plays a significant role in determining insurance rates after a DUI. Drivers with a history of traffic infractions may face higher premiums than those with clean driving records.

2. Location

Insurance rates can vary significantly depending on where you live. Urban areas with higher population densities and higher rates of accidents and DUIs may have higher insurance premiums compared to rural areas with lower risk factors.

3. Insurance Company Policies

Each insurance company has its own underwriting guidelines and policies for determining insurance rates after a DUI. Some insurers specialize in providing coverage to high-risk drivers and may offer more affordable options for drivers with a DUI on their record.

4. Age and Gender

Younger drivers, especially teenagers, generally pay higher insurance premiums after a DUI due to their lack of driving experience and higher accident rates. Additionally, male drivers typically pay higher premiums than female drivers due to statistical data indicating that males are more likely to be involved in accidents.

Strategies for Obtaining Cheap Car Insurance After a DUI

1. Shop Around and Compare Quotes

Don’t assume that your current insurance provider offers the best rates after a DUI. Shop around and compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to find the most affordable coverage options available. Online comparison tools make it easy to compare quotes and explore different insurers’ offerings.

2. Look for Specialized Insurers

Some insurance companies specialize in providing coverage to high-risk drivers, including those with DUI convictions. These insurers may offer more competitive rates and flexible coverage options tailored to the needs of drivers with a DUI on their record.

3. Consider High-Deductible Policies

Opting for a higher deductible can lower your insurance premiums after a DUI. While you’ll pay more out of pocket in the event of a claim, choosing a higher deductible can significantly reduce your monthly premium costs and make insurance more affordable.

4. Take Defensive Driving Courses

Completing a defensive driving course or DUI education program may help mitigate the impact of a DUI on your insurance rates. Some insurance companies offer discounts to drivers who voluntarily participate in these programs, demonstrating a commitment to safer driving habits.

5. Improve Your Credit Score

Maintaining good credit can help lower your insurance premiums after a DUI. Insurance companies often use credit-based insurance scores as a factor in determining rates, so improving your credit score by paying bills on time and reducing debt can lead to lower premiums.

6. Bundle Policies

Bundling your car insurance with other insurance policies, such as homeowners or renters insurance, can result in significant savings. Many insurance companies offer discounts for customers who bundle multiple policies with them, so consider consolidating your insurance needs with one provider.

7. Drive Safely

While a DUI conviction remains on your driving record for several years, practicing safe driving habits can help mitigate its long-term impact on your insurance rates. Avoiding accidents, traffic violations, and additional DUI convictions demonstrates responsible behavior to insurance companies and may lead to lower premiums over time.


While obtaining cheap car insurance after a DUI may require some effort and research, it’s not impossible. By shopping around, comparing quotes, and exploring specialized insurers, drivers with a DUI on their record can find affordable coverage options that meet their needs and budget. Additionally, taking proactive steps such as completing defensive driving courses, improving credit scores, and bundling policies can further reduce insurance premiums and mitigate the impact of a DUI conviction. With the right strategies and a commitment to safe driving, drivers can navigate the process of obtaining affordable car insurance after a DUI and get back on the road with confidence.

Cheapest Car Insurance of 2024 | Ellahost.com

Cheapest Car Insurance of 2024

Finding affordable car insurance is a top priority for many drivers, especially in today’s economic climate. While cost is a significant factor, it’s essential to balance affordability with quality coverage and reliable service. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the cheapest car insurance options of 2024, factors that influence insurance premiums, and tips for finding budget-friendly coverage without compromising on protection.

Factors Affecting Car Insurance Premiums

1. Driving Record

Your driving record is one of the most significant factors influencing your car insurance premiums. Drivers with a history of accidents, traffic violations, or DUI convictions typically pay higher insurance rates due to their increased risk of filing claims.

2. Vehicle Type

The make, model, and year of your vehicle can impact your insurance premiums. Generally, newer and more expensive cars have higher insurance rates due to their higher repair costs and replacement value. Additionally, vehicles with advanced safety features may qualify for discounts on insurance premiums.

3. Coverage Limits and Deductibles

The amount of coverage you choose and the deductible amount you select can affect your insurance premiums. Higher coverage limits and lower deductibles typically result in higher premiums, while lower coverage limits and higher deductibles can lower your premiums but may increase your out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a claim.

4. Location

Your location plays a significant role in determining your car insurance rates. Urban areas with higher population densities and higher rates of accidents and theft may have higher insurance premiums compared to rural areas with lower risk factors.

5. Age and Gender

Younger drivers, especially teenagers, generally pay higher insurance premiums due to their lack of driving experience and higher accident rates. Additionally, male drivers typically pay higher premiums than female drivers due to statistical data indicating that males are more likely to be involved in accidents.

Cheapest Car Insurance Options of 2024

1. Progressive

Progressive is known for offering competitive rates and a variety of discounts, making it one of the cheapest car insurance options for many drivers. Progressive offers discounts for safe driving habits, bundling policies, and online quotes, allowing policyholders to save on their insurance premiums.

2. Geico

Geico is another budget-friendly insurance option that offers low rates and numerous discounts for policyholders. Geico provides discounts for safe driving, vehicle safety features, and military service, allowing drivers to customize their coverage and save money on their premiums.

3. State Farm

State Farm offers affordable car insurance rates and personalized service for drivers of all ages and backgrounds. State Farm provides discounts for safe driving, bundling policies, and completing driver safety courses, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious consumers.

4. Allstate

Allstate offers competitive rates and a variety of discounts for policyholders looking to save on their car insurance premiums. Allstate provides discounts for safe driving, vehicle safety features, and bundling policies, as well as rewards for loyalty and accident-free driving.

5. Esurance

Esurance, a subsidiary of Allstate, offers affordable car insurance rates and convenient online quoting and policy management. Esurance provides discounts for safe driving, bundling policies, and paying premiums in full, allowing drivers to customize their coverage and save money on their insurance premiums.

Tips for Finding the Cheapest Car Insurance

1. Shop Around and Compare Quotes

Don’t settle for the first insurance quote you receive. Shop around and compare quotes from multiple insurance companies to find the best rates and coverage options for your needs. Online comparison tools make it easy to compare quotes from different insurers quickly and conveniently.

2. Opt for Higher Deductibles

Choosing a higher deductible can lower your insurance premiums, as you’ll be responsible for paying more out of pocket in the event of a claim. Evaluate your financial situation and select a deductible amount that you can comfortably afford to pay if you need to file a claim.

3. Take Advantage of Discounts

Many insurance companies offer discounts for various factors, such as safe driving, vehicle safety features, bundling policies, and paying premiums in full. Be sure to inquire about available discounts and take advantage of any opportunities to lower your insurance premiums.

4. Maintain a Clean Driving Record

Avoiding accidents, traffic violations, and DUI convictions can help keep your insurance premiums low. Practice safe driving habits, obey traffic laws, and avoid distractions while behind the wheel to reduce your risk of filing claims and receiving higher insurance rates.

5. Consider Usage-Based Insurance

Usage-based insurance programs, such as Progressive’s Snapshot® or Allstate’s Drivewise®, use telematics technology to monitor your driving habits and adjust your insurance premiums accordingly. If you’re a safe driver, participating in a usage-based insurance program could result in significant savings on your premiums.


Finding the cheapest car insurance of 2024 requires careful consideration of various factors, including your driving record, vehicle type, coverage limits, and deductible amounts. By shopping around, comparing quotes, and taking advantage of discounts and savings opportunities, you can find affordable coverage that meets your needs and budget. Whether you choose Progressive, Geico, State Farm, Allstate, Esurance, or another insurance provider, be sure to evaluate the coverage options and customer service to ensure you receive reliable protection and support. With the right approach, you can secure affordable car insurance coverage without sacrificing quality or peace of mind on the road.

Compare Car Insurance Quotes

Compare Car Insurance Quotes

With numerous insurance companies vying for your business, finding the right car insurance coverage at the best price can be overwhelming. Fortunately, comparing car insurance quotes empowers you to make informed decisions and find the coverage that meets your needs and budget. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the importance of comparing car insurance quotes, factors to consider when evaluating quotes, and tips for securing the best coverage at the most competitive rates.

Why Compare Car Insurance Quotes?

1. Cost Savings

Comparing car insurance quotes allows you to identify the most cost-effective coverage options available. Insurance premiums can vary significantly between providers, so obtaining multiple quotes enables you to find the best rates for the coverage you need. By taking the time to compare quotes, you can potentially save hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your car insurance premiums each year.

2. Coverage Options

Not all car insurance policies are created equal, and comparing quotes allows you to evaluate the coverage options offered by different insurance companies. By reviewing multiple quotes, you can assess the extent of coverage provided, including liability limits, deductibles, optional coverages, and additional benefits. This ensures that you select a policy that aligns with your coverage needs and financial objectives.

3. Customer Service and Reputation

Choosing the right insurance provider is about more than just finding the lowest price—it’s also essential to consider the company’s reputation and customer service. Comparing quotes enables you to research insurance companies, read customer reviews, and assess their reputation for claims handling, responsiveness, and overall satisfaction. Selecting a reputable insurer with excellent customer service ensures a positive experience throughout the policy term.

Factors to Consider When Comparing Car Insurance Quotes

1. Coverage Limits and Deductibles

Evaluate the coverage limits and deductibles offered by each insurance quote to ensure they meet your needs and budget. Consider factors such as liability limits, collision and comprehensive deductibles, and coverage for uninsured/underinsured motorists. Opting for higher deductibles can lower your premiums but may increase your out-of-pocket expenses in the event of a claim.

2. Optional Coverages

Review the optional coverages available from each insurance provider to determine if they offer additional protection that you may need. Optional coverages such as roadside assistance, rental car reimbursement, and gap insurance can provide added peace of mind and financial protection in specific situations. Assess the cost and benefits of these optional coverages when comparing quotes.

3. Discounts and Savings Opportunities

Look for discounts and savings opportunities offered by each insurance company to lower your premium costs. Common discounts may include safe driver discounts, good student discounts, multi-policy discounts, and discounts for vehicle safety features. Be sure to inquire about any available discounts and eligibility requirements when obtaining quotes.

4. Claims Handling and Customer Service

Research the insurance company’s reputation for claims handling and customer service to ensure you receive prompt and reliable assistance when needed. Read customer reviews, check complaint records with state insurance departments, and assess the insurer’s financial stability and ratings from independent agencies such as A.M. Best or Standard & Poor’s.

5. Policy Exclusions and Limitations

Carefully review each insurance quote for any policy exclusions or limitations that may affect your coverage. Pay attention to restrictions on coverage for specific drivers, vehicles, or circumstances, as well as any exclusions for pre-existing conditions or high-risk activities. Understanding these limitations upfront helps prevent surprises and ensures you have the coverage you need.

Tips for Comparing Car Insurance Quotes

1. Obtain Multiple Quotes

Gather quotes from at least three different insurance companies to compare rates and coverage options. Consider obtaining quotes online, through insurance agents, or via comparison websites to ensure you receive a comprehensive overview of available options.

2. Provide Accurate Information

When requesting quotes, provide accurate and detailed information about your driving history, vehicle(s), and coverage needs. Inaccurate or incomplete information can result in inaccurate quotes and may affect your ability to secure coverage at the quoted rates.

3. Review Quotes Side by Side

Compare quotes side by side to assess the cost, coverage limits, deductibles, and optional coverages offered by each insurance provider. Look for discrepancies or inconsistencies between quotes and ask for clarification if needed.

4. Consider Bundling Policies

Explore the option of bundling your car insurance with other insurance policies, such as homeowners or renters insurance, to qualify for multi-policy discounts. Bundling policies with the same insurer can result in significant savings on your premiums.

5. Evaluate Long-Term Value

Consider the long-term value of each insurance quote, including factors such as rate stability, customer service, and claims handling. While upfront cost is important, choosing an insurer with a solid reputation and track record of reliability may offer greater value over time.


Comparing car insurance quotes is essential for finding the best coverage at the most competitive rates. By evaluating quotes from multiple insurance companies based on factors such as coverage options, cost savings, customer service, and reputation, you can make informed decisions and select the policy that meets your needs and budget. Whether you’re looking for basic liability coverage or comprehensive protection with optional add-ons, taking the time to compare quotes ensures you receive the best value and peace of mind on the road. Use the tips and guidelines outlined in this guide to streamline the quote comparison process and secure the right car insurance coverage for you.

Best Home and Auto Insurance Bundles 2024

Best Home and Auto Insurance Bundles 2024

Protecting your home and vehicles is essential for safeguarding your assets and financial security. However, purchasing separate insurance policies for your home and auto can be costly and time-consuming. Fortunately, many insurance companies offer bundled insurance packages that combine home and auto coverage, providing convenience and potential savings for policyholders. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the benefits of bundling home and auto insurance, factors to consider when choosing a bundled policy, and recommendations for the best insurance companies offering home and auto insurance bundles.

Benefits of Bundling Home and Auto Insurance

1. Cost Savings

One of the primary advantages of bundling home and auto insurance is cost savings. Insurance companies often offer discounted rates and special incentives for policyholders who bundle multiple insurance policies together. By combining your home and auto insurance with the same provider, you can take advantage of multi-policy discounts and enjoy significant savings on your insurance premiums.

2. Convenience

Bundling home and auto insurance with the same provider offers convenience and simplicity for policyholders. Instead of managing separate policies with different insurance companies, bundling allows you to consolidate your coverage under one insurer, streamlining the insurance process and making it easier to track policies, make payments, and file claims.

3. Enhanced Coverage Options

Many insurance companies offer enhanced coverage options and additional benefits for policyholders who bundle home and auto insurance. Bundled policies may include added features such as increased liability limits, extended coverage for personal belongings, and additional discounts for home security systems or safe driving habits. By bundling your insurance policies, you can access comprehensive coverage options and enjoy greater peace of mind knowing your assets are protected.

4. Single Deductible

Some insurance companies offer a single deductible for bundled home and auto insurance policies, meaning you only have to pay one deductible in the event of a claim that affects both your home and vehicles. This can result in significant savings compared to having separate deductibles for each policy and simplifies the claims process for policyholders.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Bundled Policy

1. Coverage Needs

Evaluate your coverage needs for both home and auto insurance to ensure the bundled policy provides adequate protection for your assets. Consider factors such as the value of your home, the cost of your vehicles, and any additional coverage options or endorsements you may require, such as umbrella liability coverage or roadside assistance.

2. Insurance Provider Reputation

Choose a reputable insurance company with a strong financial rating and a history of reliable customer service. Research customer reviews, ratings from independent agencies such as J.D. Power and Associates or AM Best, and any complaints filed with state insurance departments to assess the reputation and reliability of potential insurance providers.

3. Discounts and Incentives

Compare discounts and incentives offered by different insurance companies for bundling home and auto insurance. Look for insurers that provide competitive rates, multi-policy discounts, loyalty rewards, and additional savings opportunities for policyholders who bundle their coverage.

4. Policy Flexibility

Select an insurance provider that offers flexibility in policy options and customization to meet your unique needs. Look for companies that allow you to tailor your coverage limits, deductibles, and additional endorsements to align with your preferences and budgetary constraints.

The Best Home and Auto Insurance Bundles

Now, let’s explore some of the best insurance companies offering bundled home and auto insurance packages based on factors such as cost savings, coverage options, customer service, and reputation:

1. State Farm

State Farm is a well-established insurance company known for its comprehensive coverage options and competitive rates. State Farm offers discounted rates for policyholders who bundle home and auto insurance, along with additional incentives such as multi-policy discounts and loyalty rewards. State Farm also provides personalized service, 24/7 claims support, and a network of local agents for assistance.

2. Allstate

Allstate offers bundled insurance packages that combine home and auto coverage, providing convenience and potential savings for policyholders. Allstate’s bundled policies include enhanced coverage options, flexible payment plans, and discounts for safe driving and home security features. Allstate also offers customizable policies, responsive customer service, and convenient online tools for managing policies and claims.

3. Progressive

Progressive offers bundled insurance packages for home and auto coverage, featuring competitive rates and customizable policy options. Progressive’s bundled policies include discounts for policyholders who combine their insurance coverage, along with additional savings opportunities for safe driving habits and home protection features. Progressive also provides 24/7 customer support and convenient online resources for policy management.

4. Geico

Geico offers bundled insurance packages for home and auto coverage, providing policyholders with cost savings and convenience. Geico’s bundled policies include discounts for multi-policy holders, along with additional incentives for safe driving and home security systems. Geico also offers flexible coverage options, easy online quoting, and responsive customer service.

5. Nationwide

Nationwide offers bundled insurance packages that combine home and auto coverage, providing comprehensive protection and potential savings for policyholders. Nationwide’s bundled policies include discounts for multi-policy holders, along with additional savings opportunities for safe driving and home safety features. Nationwide also offers personalized service, 24/7 claims support, and flexible coverage options.


Bundling home and auto insurance offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, convenience, enhanced coverage options, and simplified policy management. By choosing a bundled insurance package from a reputable provider such as State Farm, Allstate, Progressive, Geico, or Nationwide, you can protect your home and vehicles with comprehensive coverage while enjoying potential discounts and incentives. Evaluate your coverage needs, compare quotes from multiple insurers, and select the bundled policy that offers the best value and protection for your assets. With the right insurance coverage in place, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing your home and vehicles are safeguarded against unexpected risks and liabilities.

Best Classic Car Insurance Companies 2024

Best Classic Car Insurance Companies 2024

Classic cars hold a special place in the hearts of enthusiasts, collectors, and automotive aficionados. Whether it’s a meticulously restored vintage vehicle or a rare classic from a bygone era, protecting these treasures with the right insurance coverage is essential. However, finding the best classic car insurance company can be challenging, given the unique needs and requirements of vintage vehicle owners. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the factors to consider when choosing classic car insurance, common coverage options, and recommendations for the top insurance providers specializing in classic car coverage.

Factors to Consider When Choosing Classic Car Insurance

1. Agreed Value Coverage

Unlike standard car insurance policies that pay out the actual cash value (ACV) of a vehicle in the event of a total loss, classic car insurance typically offers agreed value coverage. Agreed value coverage allows vintage vehicle owners to establish a predetermined value for their cars with the insurance company. In the event of a covered loss, the insurer agrees to pay out the agreed-upon value, providing peace of mind and financial protection for the full appraised value of the vehicle.

2. Coverage for Appreciation

Classic cars are often prized possessions that appreciate in value over time, making it essential to choose an insurance policy that provides coverage for appreciation. Look for insurance companies that offer annual revaluation options to adjust the agreed value of the vehicle based on market trends, collector demand, and other factors affecting its worth. This ensures that your classic car insurance policy keeps pace with the vehicle’s increasing value and provides adequate coverage for its true market value.

3. Limited Mileage Policies

Vintage vehicle owners typically drive their cars less frequently than daily drivers, which means they pose lower risks to insurance companies. Many classic car insurance policies offer limited mileage options, allowing owners to select a predetermined mileage limit for their vehicles. By restricting the number of miles driven annually, vintage car owners can qualify for lower insurance premiums while still maintaining adequate coverage for occasional pleasure drives, car shows, and events.

4. Specialized Coverage Options

Classic cars often have unique features, modifications, and customization that standard insurance policies may not adequately cover. Look for insurance companies that offer specialized coverage options tailored specifically for classic cars, such as coverage for spare parts, restoration costs, and accessories. Additional coverage options may include roadside assistance, trip interruption coverage, and coverage for vintage memorabilia or collectibles stored in the vehicle.

5. Preservation Requirements

Preserving the authenticity, originality, and condition of classic cars is a top priority for vintage vehicle owners. When choosing classic car insurance, consider any preservation requirements or restrictions imposed by the insurance company. Some insurers may require owners to store their vehicles in secure garages, implement theft prevention measures, or adhere to specific maintenance and restoration standards to qualify for coverage. Understanding these requirements upfront can help ensure compliance and eligibility for insurance benefits.

Common Coverage Options for Classic Car Insurance

1. Agreed Value Coverage

Agreed value coverage ensures that vintage vehicle owners receive the full appraised value of their cars in the event of a covered total loss, regardless of depreciation or market fluctuations.

2. Collision Coverage

Collision coverage pays for damages to the insured vehicle resulting from collisions with other vehicles or objects, regardless of fault. It covers repair costs or the agreed value of the vehicle if it’s totaled in an accident.

3. Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive coverage provides protection against non-collision related damages to the insured vehicle, such as theft, vandalism, fire, natural disasters, and falling objects. It covers repair costs or the agreed value of the vehicle if it’s damaged or stolen.

4. Liability Coverage

Liability coverage pays for damages and injuries to other parties in an at-fault accident involving the insured vehicle. It typically includes bodily injury liability coverage and property damage liability coverage to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage for third parties.

5. Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage protects vintage vehicle owners in the event of an accident with a driver who doesn’t have insurance or has insufficient coverage to pay for damages and injuries. It covers medical expenses, lost wages, and property damage for the insured and their passengers.

The Best Classic Car Insurance Companies

Now, let’s explore some of the best classic car insurance providers based on factors such as agreed value coverage, specialized options, preservation requirements, and customer satisfaction:

1. Hagerty

Hagerty is a leading provider of classic car insurance known for its comprehensive coverage options, agreed value policies, and specialized services for vintage vehicle owners. Hagerty offers flexible coverage options tailored to meet the unique needs of classic car enthusiasts, including coverage for spare parts, restoration costs, and accessories. Hagerty also provides valuation tools, online resources, and expert advice to help owners protect and preserve their prized possessions.

2. Grundy

Grundy specializes in classic car insurance and offers agreed value policies, flexible coverage options, and preservation requirements designed to meet the needs of vintage vehicle owners. Grundy’s coverage includes protection for spare parts, restoration costs, and accessories, as well as roadside assistance and trip interruption coverage. Grundy also offers competitive rates, personalized service, and dedicated support from knowledgeable representatives.

3. American Collectors Insurance

American Collectors Insurance provides comprehensive coverage options and specialized services for classic car enthusiasts, including agreed value policies, limited mileage options, and preservation requirements. American Collectors Insurance offers coverage for spare parts, restoration costs, and accessories, as well as roadside assistance and trip interruption coverage. The company also offers customizable coverage options, flexible payment plans, and discounts for multiple vehicles.

4. Classic Collectors Insurance by Infinity

Classic Collectors Insurance by Infinity offers customizable coverage options and specialized services for vintage vehicle owners, including agreed value policies, limited mileage options, and preservation requirements. Classic Collectors Insurance provides coverage for spare parts, restoration costs, and accessories, as well as roadside assistance and trip interruption coverage. The company also offers competitive rates, convenient online tools, and personalized support from experienced agents.

5. J.C. Taylor

J.C. Taylor specializes in classic car insurance and offers comprehensive coverage options, agreed value policies, and preservation requirements for vintage vehicle owners. J.C. Taylor provides coverage for spare parts, restoration costs, and accessories, as well as roadside assistance and trip interruption coverage. The company also offers customizable coverage options, flexible payment plans, and discounts for safe driving and club memberships.


Choosing the best classic car insurance company requires careful consideration of factors such as coverage options, agreed value policies, preservation requirements, and customer satisfaction. By evaluating insurance providers based on these factors and comparing quotes from multiple companies, vintage vehicle owners can find the right coverage options to protect their prized possessions and enjoy peace of mind on the road. Whether you opt for Hagerty, Grundy, American Collectors Insurance, Classic Collectors Insurance by Infinity, or J.C. Taylor, each of these top classic car insurance providers offers comprehensive coverage, specialized services, and dedicated support for vintage car enthusiasts. Take the time to research and evaluate your options to ensure you find the best classic car insurance policy that meets your unique needs and provides the protection your cherished vehicles deserve.